1, How do you greet members of your family? (mother, father, older brother, younger brother, grandparents, etc)
Our greeting is not hug and kiss, and we only exchange greetings. There are various greetings words. For example, we say “Ohayou”, “Oyasuminasai”.
2, How do you greet people that are important in society?
When I greet older people and new person, I bow to each other. Then, It is very important to speak politely to them.
3, Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a diffrent way?
Yes, when I greet my friends, I usually say “Ohayou” while waving my hands. However, when I greet men, I nod to each other.
4, Do you hug anyone? If yes, who and when. If no, why not?
Yes, but I hardly to hug in my life. We hug people at a special day and occurrence such as wedding ceremony. I sometimes hug my friends when I happen to happy things and meet my friends after a long time.
返信削除I have a question!!
How do you choose to say "Ohayou" and "Ohayougozimasu"?
Do you say to your family "Ohayougozaimasu"?
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"Ohayou" use my friends and close people.
"Ohayougozaimasu" use my teachers and older people.
Question2 of answer is NO. But I sometimes say "Ohayougozaimasu".
How about you??