

1, Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad?

Yes, our feelings of different also appear from facial expression. For example, when we are happy, our facial expression is smile, kind expression and gentle kind. However, when we are sad, we are not smile. Our facial expression is cry. These different can look our eyes. Therefore, we can feel nonverbal emotions to companion. Our feelings change for our mood.

2, Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. (10 minimum)
Then, write the English translation.

Happy (うれしい) , sad(悲しい), pleasant (楽しい), angry(怒る), perplexed(当惑する), excited(興奮する), suffer(苦しむ), fear(恐怖), dear(愛しい), shy(恥ずかしい), love(愛する、好き) , surprise (驚き)

3, Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

It is difficult question. My answer is No, but I have not good idea.
I think many feelings in Japanese are same feelings in English.

4 件のコメント:

  1. At question 3, I think so, too.
    I have no idea, but I think it is possible to translate every Japanese feelings into English in some translation.

  2. chu-chu-chu-☆ミ
    Thank you for your comment.
    I think all people of feelings are a close resemblance.

  3. Hi!!
    You don't have Q3. I want to say feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated English a lot, so we have to stay long in speaking English area.

  4. It is difficult to look for the answer no.3.
    we will find it when we use the word.
